Yankee Flyers of Connecticut

NEW RULE CONCERNING FLYING AT WEST THOMPSON LAKE:  There is to be no flying within 500 feet of the dam and dike. This is a hard and fast ruling and will result in loss of flying privileges if not obeyed. The staff at the park do not want planes flown past the old road(it is the line at water level) that stretches most of the way across the lake South of the boat launch towards the dam. Ask a YFOC member if you are not sure how far out to fly.

Yankee Flyers Of Connecticut Annual Float Fly Details For 2025.  
Dates:  June 8th, August 10th, and Sept. 7th.
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Place: West Thompson Lake next to the boat launch maintained by the US Army Corp of Engineers.
401 Reardon Rd.
North Grosvenordale, CT  06255
Note: Please, no turbine aircraft. Each flyer must use a spotter.
This is a fun fly meet so if you fly or just watch come on down and enjoy the day.