Yankee Flyers of Connecticut

​​YFOC Meeting Minutes for 4-21-24

The meeting commenced at 1400 hours with 10 members in attendance. The location was Brooklyn Flying Field.

Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer's report was given verbally and indicated a balance in the coffers of $2649.63 The report was accepted into the meeting minutes.

Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's report was read and accepted into the minutes.

Old Business
1. Weather station is complete and is available utilizing a phone app. No further action is required.

2. The Brooklyn flying field tables need repair and restoration. Steve H and Wayne will work on this. Funds were approved at a previous meeting for items not on hand.

3. In several previous meetings it has been mentioned the runway should be extended, and widened to 40 feet utilizing grounds keeping methods of aggressive mowing followed by leveling with a sand mixture to allow the grass to continue to grow through. Followed by maintaining the grass runway portion keeping it mowed short to accommodate landing gear takeoff and landing. Wayne will call local sand and gravel distributors for pricing. (Following the meeting Erick, Hogan and Wayne are coordinating mower transport and dump truck usage to accomplish the required mowing and sand delivery).

4. Steve stated the two push mowers from Brooklyn are not working. He will dispose of locally.

5. Dave mentioned a New Co-signer is needed for the clubs account. Dave mentioned following the December meeting a co-signer was still needed. Wayne volunteered, a motion was made and approved for Wayne to be the co-signer on the YFOC account.

6. Steve continues to coordinate with a vendor from Somers, CT. Dave mentioned his YFOC jacket is embroidered and can be used as an example.

New Business:
1. Steve mentioned all monies collected during the Food Fun Fly events are given to the treasurer for accounting and are earmarked for future field improvements. Steve stated he is hoping to raise enough funds to significantly cover the cost to extend the current carpet runway.

2. Andrew complimented the new weather station. Paul Hoenig stated he has the same system and he is able to access his station utilizing his PC.

3. Erick mentioned on May 4th there is a scheduled air show at the Southbridge Airport, and there will be a RC demonstration. This is a fund raising event, with benefits going to cystic fibrosis.

4. Steve mentioned the next food/fun fly is May 5th. The theme will be Cinco De Mayo. (Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration held on May 5 to celebrate Mexico's victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza.) 

5. Andrew mentioned he liked a past club email that welcomed and acknowledged a multi-generational family members joining the club. He stated new members should be acknowledged at meetings and it should be reflected in the meeting minutes. Andrew also stated we should acknowledge any students becoming solo pilots. Andrew stated both events should also be reflected in the meeting minutes. All present were in agreement.

6. Paul H stated he can assist with the coordination of discounted landscaping materials for the flying field.

7. Henri stated in the past, our clubs fun fly events included fun competition events throughout the day. Henri stated he will take the lead to plan and prepare the field to incorporate these fun competition events in future food/fun flys.

Meeting was adjourned at1439 hours.

Submitted by:
Wayne Kowal
Club Secretary