Yankee Flyers of Connecticut
YFOC Meeting Minutes for 10-13-24
The meeting commenced at 1400 hours with 11 members in attendance. The location was Garwon Flying Field (Steve’s House).
Treasurer's Report:
The Treasurer's report was given verbally and indicated a balance in the coffers of $3477.63. The report was accepted into the meeting minutes.
Secretary's Report:
The Secretary's report was read and accepted into the minutes. As of today, we have 39 members.
Old Business
1. Steve stated that the December Holiday Lunch is scheduled for Sunday, December 15th time: 12 noon. A question was asked if the meal cost would be offset. The consensus was everyone pays their own tab.
2. The date for a work party to spread the remainder of the top soil and finish the exterior trim on the field building will be determined. Steve stated he will have all materials on-hand.
New Business:
1. Steve led a discussion on extending the carpet runway an additional 80 feet. He and Erick paced off that distance and determined an additional 80 feet would be feasible. Allen stated this would be beneficial to EDF type planes. Steve mentioned he could use the exiting stone and to reduce the stone dust requirements. He estimated the cost to be between $2000 to $2500 dollars, but he would get the exact cost so we could vote on the proposed expansion.
2. Wayne stated next month is our club officer recruitment for members to be considered for nominations for club officer positions.
3. Dave asked if there was any discussion on the instructor guide, Dave stated we should add additional instructors. After a discussion it was agreed that Eric and Wayne be added as instructors.
4. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday November 17th, location: Brooklyn Flying Field.
Meeting was adjourned at1435 hours.
Submitted by:
Wayne Kowal
Club Secretary